
The main research projects I work on and I was involved in the past are listed below. Click on the images to access further information.


CHEK will enable the development and uptake of digital methods and tools for building permits, based on mature and integrated city and building digital data. The project, which has started on the 1st of October 2022, has a duration of 36 months.

Change toolkit for digital building permit (CHEK) is a three-year Horizon Europe EU – funded project (G.A. No. 101058559). 



DIHCUBE will support Italian and European construction SMEs and public authorities to obtain education, training and access to advanced technical facilities by "Test Before Invest" activities. The project has started on the 1st of December 2022 and it has a duration of 36 months.

Digital Italian Hub for Construction and Built Environment is a three-year project funded within the European Digital Innovation Hubs (DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01) call.

Smart Safety

SMART SAFETY aims to develop a proof of concept application of sensing technologies for managing proximity hazards on construction sites. The project focuses on the development of a system that can be used by construction SMEs in compliance with the requirements imposed by the GDPR.

Smart Safety was a two-year project (2020-21) developed in collaboration with ESEB - Ente Sistema Edilizia Brescia as part of the "third mission", which aims to generate knowledge outside academic environments to the benefit of the social, cultural and economic development.  


WEBIM is an on-going project that aims to develop a distributed digital collaboration framework for public procurement to manage AEC-FM processes by cloud services and graph-based data storage. Unibs leads activities related to construction work progress monitoring.

WEBIM is a three-year project (2019-23) funded by the MIUR (PRIN 22017) and coordinated by Università Politecnica delle Marche

Geographic BIM/M

GEOBIMM - Geographic Building Information Modelling and Managerment aimed to assess the potential of integrating BIM and GIS in building permit and approval procedures.

GEOBIMM was developed by Unibs as subcontractor of Fraunhofer Italia in 2021.


ENIGMA - ENabling Information-Guided Management aimed to develop a platform for the digitalisation of construction management procedures implementing sensor technologies in

construction sites using open APIs.  

ENIGMA was a two-year project (2018-19) funded by Gruppo Deldossi as part of the "third mission" of Unibs.

BIM-based code checking

BIM and code checking in public procurement aimed to develop workflows, coordination procedures, rule interpretation and building model preparation strategies for digital design management and code checking.

The project was developed in 2014 in collaboration with Provveditorato alle Opere Pubbliche di Lombardia e Emilia Romagna and Harpaceas srl.


BHIMM - Built Heritage Information Modelling/Management aimed to develope workflows, methods and technologies for the architectural heritage in design, construction and facility management phases. 

BHIMM was a three-year project (2013-2016) funded by the MIUR (PRIN 2010-2011) and coordinated by Politecnico di Milano.

The main networks and working groups I am involved in are listed below. Click on the logo(s) to visit their websites.

Research-related awards are listed below:

Main editorial activities follow: